24 marca 2024 / March 24th, 2024


Become a Charity Hero

Sign up for the Warsaw Half Marathon or the New Balance High Five Race via the charity path. Support an important social cause of your choice. Together, we have already raised 7 million PLN, to back up the budgets of charity organisations. Remember – it feels lighter to run for a cause!

How it works

At registration you will choose one of 8 charities and you will open your virtual fundraiser. You are going to persuade your friends and acquaintances to pay money for your chosen charity,

Upon raising the threshold amount – 400 PLN (in Half Marathon) or 200 PLN (in the High Five race), you get the race kit as a present from your supported charity.

So here’s the gift pack to a Charity Hero:
– your race kit,
– exceptional orange bib number with your charity’s logo,
– gadgets and presents from the charity you chose to run for.

Special for charity runners:
– the dedicated Race Office section for race kit pick-up,
– the special massage zone after the race,
– cheering zones set up by the charities.

See how to join the project and become a charity runner!

Who you can help:
You choose the charity you want to support. Our #GoodRunning partner organisations include: Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę, Rak’n’Roll, Fundacja Synapsis, Fundacja Wcześniak, Polska Akcja Humanitarna, Fundacja Spartanie Dzieciom, Amnesty International and Fundacja „Na ratunek dzieciom z chorobą nowotworową”. Learn more about what they do!

How to raise money effectively?
The #GoodRunning project has already seen thousands of participants, and their involvement enabled us to collectively raise as much as PLN 7 million to support the charities.

How to raise the threshold amount that guarantees the race kit? What can you do to make your fundraiser bigger? Use some well-tested advice and become a Charity Hero on the day of your special run!

Video materials
Looking for inspiration?

Want to feel the aura of #GoodRunning and hear some tips from experienced charity runners?

Have a look at the videos put together over the past years. See you at the finish of your best race!