30 marca 2025 / March 30th, 2025

Presentation of Pacemakers for the upcoming race!

20-03-2024 11:03

Pacemakers are experienced runners who complete the entire race at a predetermined pace in order to cross the finish line with precisely targeted times. Take advantage of their support if you are aiming for a personal best or making your debut. On March 24th, “Pacers” will lead participants aiming for the following times in the 18th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Half Marathon:

1:20; 1:25; 1:30, 1:35, 1:40, 1:45, 1:50; 1:55, 2:00, 2:10, 2:15, 2:20, 2:30

You’ll recognize the pacemakers by the “wings” with the written time they are pacing on the chosen distance – you can’t miss them because it’s a truly visible element of their attire. “Pacers,” as they are commonly called, lead based on net times – from crossing the start line. To join them on the journey, you should position yourself near them in the start area or spot them along the route and latch onto the dictated pace.